
At the launch of this website, what I have in every page was: “My [page name] goes here”. Why? Certainly because I was uncertain of what to write there.

When you go through the About pages of many artists, it is packed with either their accomplishments or their zero to hero stories. But, heck, here I am; no books published, no piece on “major” publications, nothing, just some “prompt pieces.”

But look, my name is Adesinmi Olatoyese and I am a writer.

Below is a black and white 2015 look of me.

Love it? You do! ;)

This is what I do: I write on any topic that comes to my mind and put it up here. Some of these articles take a few hours; some, days; and some, eternity.

I write on a variety of topics save politics. I've been writing about addiction for some time now, but I'm no doctor; I don't even have any background in medicine, or anything close, all it takes is some rigorous research — wait, how does that sound?

Anything else? Shoot me a mail!

May, 2017.
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